Sweet Dixie Brown's 5/5 Star

Price Range: $$ | Cuisine: American

Sweet Dixie Brown's Reviews

Overall Rating

Sweet Dixie Brown's has an overall rating of 5 stars based on 2 user reviews.

5 Stars

Random User Reviews

Yes please
My new Thursday spot
Rating: 4 Stars
Not bad... but not great :)
Service was good but not really impressed at how long it took and wasn't even that busy. Hot food would be nice just sayin
Rating: 3 Stars
Yummy food and one of the best restaurant in my town!
Rating: 5 Stars
Not great
My waiter was more interested in her phone that her tip i guess. Food was ok but sorry, not going back!
Rating: 2 Stars
Screw COVID! I'm going
I can't wait till they stop all this mask stuff.
Rating: 5 Stars

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